About me

Hi there! My name is Adolf Szabó (a.k.a. Dolfi). Yes, that is me on the right. When I was young and beautiful. Women wanted to hold on to me. Well that was then.

I grew up and became a software engineer. You know typing on a keyboard, words assemble into statements, functions, and eventually programs. Some of them crash, but most of them spit out some meaningful output.

Nim is my language of choice. Occasionally I also write in C, Perl, Javascript or Zig, but when I sleep I always dream in Nim. My second language is English.

I wrote an accounting program. Boring. NO! It is exciting! Please check it out!

I have an old Macbook with a fresh Linux on it. I also have a newer Windows PC with, you guessed it, Linux on it. I use Arch btw.

Contact me

E-mail: placc@dolfi.dev