Placc is a PLain text Accounting software designed for personal use. The program can be used both from the console and via a web-interface. The latter has more features though.

Plain text accounting basically means you edit a plain text ledger file with your text editor, and this program will process this file and present it for you. See the slides below:

Ledger file
Opening transaction
Console use


No liability: the program comes AS IS, so no warranty or liability. Use it on your own risk.


CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 that is:

In layman terms: Freely distributable without modifications (no bundling, nor repackaging). For private use only.


Version: 1.0.1

Pre-built binaries:

There is no installer, it is just a single executable. I suggest you just extract the zip into a local directory and run the executable placc from the console. With no arguments given it prints out the usage. Give a ledger file as argument and it will print you a localhost url you can open in your browser. The documentation is web-based and is served when placc is running.

This is a closed source program.


The program is free. No demo version, no time-limitation, just free. Yet I put a lot of work in it, so if you like the program please support my work

About me…